import os
os.chdir( '/YOUR/PATH/' )
for folder in sorted( os.listdir( os.getcwd() ) ):
if not os.path.isfile( folder ):
print folder
PYTHON - Extract string content between parenthesis (without regex)
print YOUR_STRING[ YOUR_STRING.find( '(' ) + 1 : YOUR_STRING.find( ')' ) ]
MacOS - How to toggle between windows of the same app
PS. To toggle between apps: COMMAND-TAB
PS. To toggle between apps: COMMAND-TAB
PYTHON - How to determine the python version your code is running on
import sys
print sys.version
print sys.version_info
print sys.version
print sys.version_info
PYTHON - How to curl into a file?
(1) Install the pycurl package:
easy_install pycurl
(2) Sample script:
import pycurl
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pycurl)' )
c.setopt(c.URL, '')
with open('target_file_name.html', 'w') as f:
c.setopt( c.WRITEFUNCTION, f.write )
easy_install pycurl
(2) Sample script:
import pycurl
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pycurl)' )
c.setopt(c.URL, '')
with open('target_file_name.html', 'w') as f:
c.setopt( c.WRITEFUNCTION, f.write )
MacOS - How to customize your terminal prompt, adding a line after each command
(1) Open or create ~\.bash_profile (a text flat file at the root of your MacOS profile).
(2) Enter this line (cusomize... the dashes can be anything you want... the \n is a carriage return+line feed):
export PS1="----------------\n$"
(2) Enter this line (cusomize... the dashes can be anything you want... the \n is a carriage return+line feed):
export PS1="----------------\n$"
MongoDB - Import CSV with field values containing double quotes
You have to escape the double quote.
Do not escape it with a backslash (\").
Instead, escape it with another double quote ("").
Do not escape it with a backslash (\").
Instead, escape it with another double quote ("").
MongoDB - How to rename a field
db.COLLECTION_NAME.update( {}, { $rename: {"OLD_FIELD_NAME": "NEW_FIELD_NAME"} }, false, true);
MongoDB - How to import a CSV file
mongoimport --db DATABASE_NAME --collection COLLECTION_NAME --type csv --headerline --file /path/to/file/FILE_NAME.csv
MacOS - Show hidden files and folders
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder
PYTHON - Randomly choose an list/array element (numeric or text)
import random
print( random.choice( [1,2,3] ) )
print( random.choice( ['a','b','c'] ) )
print( random.choice( [1,2,3] ) )
print( random.choice( ['a','b','c'] ) )
PYTHON - Twitter search and results parsing
# 1. Twitter authentication credentials (get yours at
consumerKey = ''
consumerSecret = ''
# 2. Create a twython object (installation command: "sudo easy_install twython")
from twython import Twython
twitter = Twython( consumerKey, consumerSecret )
# 3. Display tweets' text matching a given search term
term = 'chapo'
for status in["statuses"]:
print status["text"]
consumerKey = ''
consumerSecret = ''
# 2. Create a twython object (installation command: "sudo easy_install twython")
from twython import Twython
twitter = Twython( consumerKey, consumerSecret )
# 3. Display tweets' text matching a given search term
term = 'chapo'
for status in["statuses"]:
print status["text"]
PYTHON - How to most efficiently concatenate strings
from cStringIO import StringIO
string = StringIO()
string.write( 'First sentence.' )
string.write( 'Second string.' )
string.write( 'Thrid' )
print( string.getvalue() )
string = StringIO()
string.write( 'First sentence.' )
string.write( 'Second string.' )
string.write( 'Thrid' )
print( string.getvalue() )
PYTHON - How to parse a JSON string
# 1. Original JSON String
text = """{ "count": 2, "record": [ {"lemma":"God"}, {"lemma":"Men"} ] }"""
# 2. Text to JSON object
import json
j = json.loads(text)
# 3. Parse a top-level property
print 'count: ' + str( j['count'] )
# 4. Traverse multiple records
for item in j['record']:
print( item['lemma'] )
text = """{ "count": 2, "record": [ {"lemma":"God"}, {"lemma":"Men"} ] }"""
# 2. Text to JSON object
import json
j = json.loads(text)
# 3. Parse a top-level property
print 'count: ' + str( j['count'] )
# 4. Traverse multiple records
for item in j['record']:
print( item['lemma'] )
PYTHON - Break a paragraph into a sentences list
import re
text = 'This is. A paragraph with. Three sentences.'
sentences = re.split(r'(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z][a-z]\.)(?<=\.|\?)\s', text)
for item in sentences:
text = 'This is. A paragraph with. Three sentences.'
sentences = re.split(r'(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z][a-z]\.)(?<=\.|\?)\s', text)
for item in sentences:
PYTHON - Getting text from a website
import requests
txt = requests.get("").text
print( txt )
txt = requests.get("").text
print( txt )
MySQL - Convert table's charset and collation to utf8/utf8_general_ci (for English, Spanish and French characters)
ALTER TABLE table_name_here CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
MySQL - Charset and collation that works for English, Spanish and French characters
COLLATION: utf8_general_ci
COLLATION: utf8_general_ci
EXCEL - Figure out if a cell contains a number (any digit)
=COUNT( FIND( {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, A2 ) ) > 0
PYTHON - Display and change current working directory
import os
print( os.getcwd() )
os.chdir( os.path.dirname("C:/folder/subfolder") )
print( os.getcwd() )
print( os.getcwd() )
os.chdir( os.path.dirname("C:/folder/subfolder") )
print( os.getcwd() )
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