Place this inside any of your templates, or add the main statements to an existing event.
Template.body.onRendered(function () {
// Reading from settings.json
// Adding a variable/object
Meteor.settings.public.NEW_PROPERTY_NAME = 'PROPERTY-CONTENT';
Meteor - Settings.json split for privacy (client, server or both)
"public": {
"PUBLIC-VAR-1": "Available to both CLIENT and SERVER."
, "PUBLIC-VAR-2": "Public var 2 contents."
, "private": {
"PRIVATE-VAR-1": "Available to only the SERVER ONLY (not to the client)."
, "PRIVATE-VAR-2": "Private var 1 contents."
, "ROOT-LEVEL-VAR-1": "Available to the SERVER ONLY."
, "ROOT-LEVEL-VAR-2": "Root level var 2, only seen by the server."
"public": {
"PUBLIC-VAR-1": "Available to both CLIENT and SERVER."
, "PUBLIC-VAR-2": "Public var 2 contents."
, "private": {
"PRIVATE-VAR-1": "Available to only the SERVER ONLY (not to the client)."
, "PRIVATE-VAR-2": "Private var 1 contents."
, "ROOT-LEVEL-VAR-1": "Available to the SERVER ONLY."
, "ROOT-LEVEL-VAR-2": "Root level var 2, only seen by the server."
Meteor - WebStorm Meteor Run settings to use settings.json
This is a screenshot of my environment configuration.
Pass "--settings settings.json" to the "Program argments" textbox of WebStorm's (a JavaScript IDE by JetBrains) run configuration.
Meteor - How to access template parameters and its data context from within an event, programmatically{
"click .ELEMENT-CLASS" : function( evt, tmp ){
console.log( );
console.log( );
// Output the template's entire data object so you can see what I mean...
console.log(; }
"click .ELEMENT-CLASS" : function( evt, tmp ){
console.log( );
console.log( );
// Output the template's entire data object so you can see what I mean...
console.log(; }
VBA - Get a string reversed
' 1. fun_String_Reverse
Public Function fStringReverse(InputString As String) As String
' Declare
Dim lLen As Long, lCtr As Long
Dim sChar As String
Dim sAns As String
' Process
lLen = Len(InputString)
For lCtr = lLen To 1 Step -1
sChar = Mid(InputString, lCtr, 1)
sAns = sAns & sChar
' Return
fStringReverse = sAns
End Function
Public Function fStringReverse(InputString As String) As String
' Declare
Dim lLen As Long, lCtr As Long
Dim sChar As String
Dim sAns As String
' Process
lLen = Len(InputString)
For lCtr = lLen To 1 Step -1
sChar = Mid(InputString, lCtr, 1)
sAns = sAns & sChar
' Return
fStringReverse = sAns
End Function
VBA - Get date/time in different formats (minutes, milliseconds)
Public Function getTimeInMS() As Long
Dim d As Date
d = Now()
Dim t As Single
t = Timer
getTimeInMS = _
( _
(Hour(d) * 10000000#) _
+ (Minute(d) * 100000#) _
+ (Second(d) * 1000#) _
+ fFloor((t - Int(t)) * 1000) _
End Function
' Get date in milliseconds
Public Function getDateInMS() As Double
Dim d As Date
d = Now()
Dim t As Single
t = Timer
getDateInMS = _
( _
( _
(Year(d) * 10000000000000#) _
+ (Month(d) * 100000000000#) _
+ (Day(d) * 1000000000#) _
+ (Hour(d) * 10000000#) _
+ (Minute(d) * 100000#) _
+ (Second(d) * 1000#) _
+ fFloor((t - Int(t)) * 1000) _
) _
End Function
' Get date in minutes
Public Function getDateInMin() As String
Dim d As Date
d = Now()
Dim t As Single
t = Timer
getDateInMin = _
( _
( _
(Year(d) * 100000000#) _
+ (Month(d) * 1000000#) _
+ (Day(d) * 10000#) _
+ (Hour(d) * 100#) _
+ (Minute(d) * 1#) _
) _
End Function
Dim d As Date
d = Now()
Dim t As Single
t = Timer
getTimeInMS = _
( _
(Hour(d) * 10000000#) _
+ (Minute(d) * 100000#) _
+ (Second(d) * 1000#) _
+ fFloor((t - Int(t)) * 1000) _
End Function
' Get date in milliseconds
Public Function getDateInMS() As Double
Dim d As Date
d = Now()
Dim t As Single
t = Timer
getDateInMS = _
( _
( _
(Year(d) * 10000000000000#) _
+ (Month(d) * 100000000000#) _
+ (Day(d) * 1000000000#) _
+ (Hour(d) * 10000000#) _
+ (Minute(d) * 100000#) _
+ (Second(d) * 1000#) _
+ fFloor((t - Int(t)) * 1000) _
) _
End Function
' Get date in minutes
Public Function getDateInMin() As String
Dim d As Date
d = Now()
Dim t As Single
t = Timer
getDateInMin = _
( _
( _
(Year(d) * 100000000#) _
+ (Month(d) * 1000000#) _
+ (Day(d) * 10000#) _
+ (Hour(d) * 100#) _
+ (Minute(d) * 1#) _
) _
End Function
VBA - URL encoding function
Function getUrlEncode(strString) 'As String
' Declare
Dim strUrlEncode
Dim lngPos
' Each character
For lngPos = 1 To Len(strString)
getUrlEncode = _
strUrlEncode & "%" & _
Right( _
"0" & _
Hex(Asc(Mid(strString, lngPos, 1))) _
, 2 _
getUrlEncode = strUrlEncode
End Function
' Declare
Dim strUrlEncode
Dim lngPos
' Each character
For lngPos = 1 To Len(strString)
getUrlEncode = _
strUrlEncode & "%" & _
Right( _
"0" & _
Hex(Asc(Mid(strString, lngPos, 1))) _
, 2 _
getUrlEncode = strUrlEncode
End Function
EXCEL/VBA - Logged-in user/workstation info
' Gets workstation information such as username, computername and domain
' Public functions listing
' 1 fWorkstationInfo_ComputerName()
' 2 fWorkstationInfo_UserName()
' 3 fWorkstationInfo_LogonDomain()
' 4 fWorkstationInfo_LanGroup()
wki101_platform_id As Long
wki101_computername As Long
wki101_langroup As Long
wki101_ver_major As Long
wki101_ver_minor As Long
wki101_lanroot As Long
End Type
wkui1_username As Long
wkui1_logon_domain As Long
wkui1_logon_server As Long
wkui1_oth_domains As Long
End Type
Declare PtrSafe Function WNetGetUser& _
Lib "Mpr" Alias "WNetGetUserA" _
(lpName As Any, ByVal lpUserName$, lpnLength&)
Declare PtrSafe Function NetWkstaGetInfo& _
Lib "Netapi32" _
(strServer As Any, ByVal lLevel&, pbBuffer As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Function NetWkstaUserGetInfo& _
Lib "Netapi32" _
(reserved As Any, ByVal lLevel&, pbBuffer As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Sub lstrcpyW _
Lib "kernel32" _
(dest As Any, ByVal src As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Sub lstrcpy _
Lib "kernel32" _
(dest As Any, ByVal src As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Sub RtlMoveMemory _
Lib "kernel32" _
(dest As Any, src As Any, ByVal size&)
Declare PtrSafe Function NetApiBufferFree& _
Lib "Netapi32" _
(ByVal buffer&)
Public Function fWorkstationInfo(Optional strWhatInfoWanted As String) As String
'General declarations
Dim ret As Long, buffer(512) As Byte, i As Integer
Dim wk101 As WKSTA_INFO_101, pwk101 As Long
Dim wk1 As WKSTA_USER_INFO_1, pwk1 As Long
Dim cbusername As Long
Dim computerName As String, lanGroup As String, logonDomain As String, userName As String
computerName = "": lanGroup = "": userName = "": logonDomain = ""
'Call WNetGetUser to get the name of the user.
userName = Space(256)
cbusername = Len(userName)
ret = WNetGetUser(ByVal 0&, userName, cbusername)
If ret = 0 Then
userName = Left(userName, InStr(userName, Chr(0)) - 1) 'Success - strip off the null.
userName = ""
End If
' The following section works only under Windows NT
'NT only - call NetWkstaGetInfo to get computer name and lan group
ret = NetWkstaGetInfo(ByVal 0&, 101, pwk101)
RtlMoveMemory wk101, ByVal pwk101, Len(wk101)
lstrcpyW buffer(0), wk101.wki101_computername
' Get every other byte from Unicode string.
i = 0
Do While buffer(i) <> 0
computerName = computerName & Chr(buffer(i))
i = i + 2
lstrcpyW buffer(0), wk101.wki101_langroup
i = 0
Do While buffer(i) <> 0
lanGroup = lanGroup & Chr(buffer(i))
i = i + 2
ret = NetApiBufferFree(pwk101)
' NT only - call NetWkstaUserGetInfo.
ret = NetWkstaUserGetInfo(ByVal 0&, 1, pwk1)
RtlMoveMemory wk1, ByVal pwk1, Len(wk1)
lstrcpyW buffer(0), wk1.wkui1_logon_domain
i = 0
Do While buffer(i) <> 0
logonDomain = logonDomain & Chr(buffer(i))
i = i + 2
ret = NetApiBufferFree(pwk1)
'End NT-specific section
'Return the desired value
Select Case strWhatInfoWanted
Case "lanGroup": fWorkstationInfo = lanGroup
Case "computerName": fWorkstationInfo = computerName
Case "userName": fWorkstationInfo = userName
Case "logonDomain": fWorkstationInfo = logonDomain
Case Else: fWorkstationInfo = userName & ";" & computerName & ";" & logonDomain & ";" & lanGroup
End Select
'Debug.Print computerName, lanGroup, userName, logonDomain
End Function
'Public functions
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_ComputerName()
fWorkstationInfo_ComputerName = fWorkstationInfo("computerName")
End Function
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_UserName()
' fWorkstationInfo_UserName = fWorkstationInfo("userName")
Dim s As String
s = fWorkstationInfo("userName")
' Salvador using the system within his network
If s = "Salvador.Delgadom" Then
s = "501963464"
' Carlos' 32-bit virtual machine
ElseIf s = "me" Then
s = "213061316"
End If
' Return
fWorkstationInfo_UserName = s
End Function
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_LogonDomain()
fWorkstationInfo_LogonDomain = fWorkstationInfo("logonDomain")
End Function
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_LanGroup()
fWorkstationInfo_LanGroup = fWorkstationInfo("lanGroup")
End Function
Public Function getUserRoster() As String
' Declare, init
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long
Dim result As String
result = ""
Dim str_Path As String
str_Path = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & CurrentProject.Name
cn.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
cn.Open "Data Source=" & str_Path
cn2.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & str_Path
' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets
Set RS = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, , "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")
'Output the list of all users in the current database.
'Debug.Print _
rs.Fields(0).Name, "", _
rs.Fields(1).Name, "", _
rs.Fields(2).Name, _
While Not RS.EOF
'Debug.Print _
rs.Fields(0) _
, rs.Fields(1) _
, rs.Fields(2) _
, rs.Fields(3)
If InStr(1, result, Trim(RS.Fields(1)) & ";", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
result = result & Trim(RS.Fields(1)) & ";"
End If
' Discard objects
Set RS = Nothing
Set cn2 = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
getUserRoster = result
End Function
' Gets workstation information such as username, computername and domain
' Public functions listing
' 1 fWorkstationInfo_ComputerName()
' 2 fWorkstationInfo_UserName()
' 3 fWorkstationInfo_LogonDomain()
' 4 fWorkstationInfo_LanGroup()
wki101_platform_id As Long
wki101_computername As Long
wki101_langroup As Long
wki101_ver_major As Long
wki101_ver_minor As Long
wki101_lanroot As Long
End Type
wkui1_username As Long
wkui1_logon_domain As Long
wkui1_logon_server As Long
wkui1_oth_domains As Long
End Type
Declare PtrSafe Function WNetGetUser& _
Lib "Mpr" Alias "WNetGetUserA" _
(lpName As Any, ByVal lpUserName$, lpnLength&)
Declare PtrSafe Function NetWkstaGetInfo& _
Lib "Netapi32" _
(strServer As Any, ByVal lLevel&, pbBuffer As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Function NetWkstaUserGetInfo& _
Lib "Netapi32" _
(reserved As Any, ByVal lLevel&, pbBuffer As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Sub lstrcpyW _
Lib "kernel32" _
(dest As Any, ByVal src As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Sub lstrcpy _
Lib "kernel32" _
(dest As Any, ByVal src As Any)
Declare PtrSafe Sub RtlMoveMemory _
Lib "kernel32" _
(dest As Any, src As Any, ByVal size&)
Declare PtrSafe Function NetApiBufferFree& _
Lib "Netapi32" _
(ByVal buffer&)
Public Function fWorkstationInfo(Optional strWhatInfoWanted As String) As String
'General declarations
Dim ret As Long, buffer(512) As Byte, i As Integer
Dim wk101 As WKSTA_INFO_101, pwk101 As Long
Dim wk1 As WKSTA_USER_INFO_1, pwk1 As Long
Dim cbusername As Long
Dim computerName As String, lanGroup As String, logonDomain As String, userName As String
computerName = "": lanGroup = "": userName = "": logonDomain = ""
'Call WNetGetUser to get the name of the user.
userName = Space(256)
cbusername = Len(userName)
ret = WNetGetUser(ByVal 0&, userName, cbusername)
If ret = 0 Then
userName = Left(userName, InStr(userName, Chr(0)) - 1) 'Success - strip off the null.
userName = ""
End If
' The following section works only under Windows NT
'NT only - call NetWkstaGetInfo to get computer name and lan group
ret = NetWkstaGetInfo(ByVal 0&, 101, pwk101)
RtlMoveMemory wk101, ByVal pwk101, Len(wk101)
lstrcpyW buffer(0), wk101.wki101_computername
' Get every other byte from Unicode string.
i = 0
Do While buffer(i) <> 0
computerName = computerName & Chr(buffer(i))
i = i + 2
lstrcpyW buffer(0), wk101.wki101_langroup
i = 0
Do While buffer(i) <> 0
lanGroup = lanGroup & Chr(buffer(i))
i = i + 2
ret = NetApiBufferFree(pwk101)
' NT only - call NetWkstaUserGetInfo.
ret = NetWkstaUserGetInfo(ByVal 0&, 1, pwk1)
RtlMoveMemory wk1, ByVal pwk1, Len(wk1)
lstrcpyW buffer(0), wk1.wkui1_logon_domain
i = 0
Do While buffer(i) <> 0
logonDomain = logonDomain & Chr(buffer(i))
i = i + 2
ret = NetApiBufferFree(pwk1)
'End NT-specific section
'Return the desired value
Select Case strWhatInfoWanted
Case "lanGroup": fWorkstationInfo = lanGroup
Case "computerName": fWorkstationInfo = computerName
Case "userName": fWorkstationInfo = userName
Case "logonDomain": fWorkstationInfo = logonDomain
Case Else: fWorkstationInfo = userName & ";" & computerName & ";" & logonDomain & ";" & lanGroup
End Select
'Debug.Print computerName, lanGroup, userName, logonDomain
End Function
'Public functions
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_ComputerName()
fWorkstationInfo_ComputerName = fWorkstationInfo("computerName")
End Function
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_UserName()
' fWorkstationInfo_UserName = fWorkstationInfo("userName")
Dim s As String
s = fWorkstationInfo("userName")
' Salvador using the system within his network
If s = "Salvador.Delgadom" Then
s = "501963464"
' Carlos' 32-bit virtual machine
ElseIf s = "me" Then
s = "213061316"
End If
' Return
fWorkstationInfo_UserName = s
End Function
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_LogonDomain()
fWorkstationInfo_LogonDomain = fWorkstationInfo("logonDomain")
End Function
Public Function fWorkstationInfo_LanGroup()
fWorkstationInfo_LanGroup = fWorkstationInfo("lanGroup")
End Function
Public Function getUserRoster() As String
' Declare, init
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long
Dim result As String
result = ""
Dim str_Path As String
str_Path = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & CurrentProject.Name
cn.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
cn.Open "Data Source=" & str_Path
cn2.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & str_Path
' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets
Set RS = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, , "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")
'Output the list of all users in the current database.
'Debug.Print _
rs.Fields(0).Name, "", _
rs.Fields(1).Name, "", _
rs.Fields(2).Name, _
While Not RS.EOF
'Debug.Print _
rs.Fields(0) _
, rs.Fields(1) _
, rs.Fields(2) _
, rs.Fields(3)
If InStr(1, result, Trim(RS.Fields(1)) & ";", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
result = result & Trim(RS.Fields(1)) & ";"
End If
' Discard objects
Set RS = Nothing
Set cn2 = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
getUserRoster = result
End Function
EXCEL/VBA - Copy programmatically given text to the clipboard
'Option Compare Database
'********* Code Start ************
' This code was originally written by Terry Kreft.
' It is not to be altered or distributed,
' except as part of an application.
' You are free to use it in any application,
' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
' Code Courtesy of
' Terry Kreft
'Public Const GHND = &H42
Private Const GHND = &H42
'Public Const CF_TEXT = 1
Private Const CF_TEXT = 1
Private Const CF_ANSIONLY = &H400&
Private Const CF_APPLY = &H200&
Private Const CF_BITMAP = 2
Private Const CF_DIB = 8
Private Const CF_DIF = 5
Private Const CF_DSPBITMAP = &H82
Private Const CF_DSPTEXT = &H81
Private Const CF_EFFECTS = &H100&
Private Const CF_ENABLEHOOK = &H8&
Private Const CF_ENABLETEMPLATE = &H10&
Private Const CF_ENHMETAFILE = 14
Private Const CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY = &H4000&
Private Const CF_FORCEFONTEXIST = &H10000
Private Const CF_GDIOBJFIRST = &H300
Private Const CF_GDIOBJLAST = &H3FF
Private Const CF_HDROP = 15
Private Const CF_LIMITSIZE = &H2000&
Private Const CF_LOCALE = 16
Private Const CF_MAX = 17
Private Const CF_METAFILEPICT = 3
Private Const CF_NOFACESEL = &H80000
Private Const CF_NOSCRIPTSEL = &H800000
Private Const CF_NOSIMULATIONS = &H1000&
Private Const CF_NOSIZESEL = &H200000
Private Const CF_NOSTYLESEL = &H100000
Private Const CF_NOVECTORFONTS = &H800&
Private Const CF_NOVERTFONTS = &H1000000
Private Const CF_OEMTEXT = 7
Private Const CF_OWNERDISPLAY = &H80
Private Const CF_PALETTE = 9
Private Const CF_PENDATA = 10
Private Const CF_PRINTERFONTS = &H2
Private Const CF_PRIVATEFIRST = &H200
Private Const CF_PRIVATELAST = &H2FF
Private Const CF_RIFF = 11
Private Const CF_SCALABLEONLY = &H20000
Private Const CF_SCREENFONTS = &H1
Private Const CF_SELECTSCRIPT = &H400000
Private Const CF_SHOWHELP = &H4&
Private Const CF_SYLK = 4
Private Const CF_TIFF = 6
Private Const CF_TTONLY = &H40000
Private Const CF_UNICODETEXT = 13
Private Const CF_USESTYLE = &H80&
Private Const CF_WAVE = 12
Private Const CF_WYSIWYG = &H8000
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags&, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString1 As Any, ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Public Function ClipBoard_SetText(strCopyString As String) As Boolean
Dim hGlobalMemory As Long
Dim lpGlobalMemory As Long
Dim hClipMemory As Long
' Allocate moveable global memory.
hGlobalMemory = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Len(strCopyString) + 1)
' Lock the block to get a far pointer
' to this memory.
lpGlobalMemory = GlobalLock(hGlobalMemory)
' Copy the string to this global memory.
lpGlobalMemory = lstrcpy(lpGlobalMemory, strCopyString)
' Unlock the memory and then copy to the clipboard
If GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMemory) = 0 Then
If OpenClipboard(0&) <> 0 Then
Call EmptyClipboard
hClipMemory = SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobalMemory)
ClipBoard_SetText = CBool(CloseClipboard)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function ClipBoard_GetText() As String
Dim hClipMemory As Long
Dim lpClipMemory As Long
Dim strCBText As String
Dim RetVal As Long
Dim lngSize As Long
If OpenClipboard(0&) <> 0 Then
' Obtain the handle to the global memory
' block that is referencing the text.
hClipMemory = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)
If hClipMemory <> 0 Then
' Lock Clipboard memory so we can reference
' the actual data string.
lpClipMemory = GlobalLock(hClipMemory)
If lpClipMemory <> 0 Then
lngSize = GlobalSize(lpClipMemory)
strCBText = Space$(lngSize)
RetVal = lstrcpy(strCBText, lpClipMemory)
RetVal = GlobalUnlock(hClipMemory)
' Peel off the null terminating character.
strCBText = Left(strCBText, InStr(1, strCBText, Chr$(0), 0) - 1)
MsgBox "Could not lock memory to copy string from."
End If
End If
Call CloseClipboard
End If
ClipBoard_GetText = strCBText
End Function
Function CopyOlePiccy(Piccy As Object)
Dim hGlobalMemory As Long, lpGlobalMemory As Long
Dim hClipMemory As Long, X As Long
' Allocate moveable global memory.
hGlobalMemory = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Len(Piccy) + 1)
' Lock the block to get a far pointer
' to this memory.
lpGlobalMemory = GlobalLock(hGlobalMemory)
'Need to copy the object to the memory here
lpGlobalMemory = lstrcpy(lpGlobalMemory, Piccy)
' Unlock the memory.
If GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMemory) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not unlock memory location. Copy aborted."
GoTo OutOfHere2
End If
' Open the Clipboard to copy data to.
If OpenClipboard(0&) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not open the Clipboard. Copy aborted."
Exit Function
End If
' Clear the Clipboard.
X = EmptyClipboard()
' Copy the data to the Clipboard.
hClipMemory = SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobalMemory)
If CloseClipboard() = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not close Clipboard."
End If
End Function
'********* Code End ************
'********* Code Start ************
' This code was originally written by Terry Kreft.
' It is not to be altered or distributed,
' except as part of an application.
' You are free to use it in any application,
' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
' Code Courtesy of
' Terry Kreft
'Public Const GHND = &H42
Private Const GHND = &H42
'Public Const CF_TEXT = 1
Private Const CF_TEXT = 1
Private Const CF_ANSIONLY = &H400&
Private Const CF_APPLY = &H200&
Private Const CF_BITMAP = 2
Private Const CF_DIB = 8
Private Const CF_DIF = 5
Private Const CF_DSPBITMAP = &H82
Private Const CF_DSPTEXT = &H81
Private Const CF_EFFECTS = &H100&
Private Const CF_ENABLEHOOK = &H8&
Private Const CF_ENABLETEMPLATE = &H10&
Private Const CF_ENHMETAFILE = 14
Private Const CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY = &H4000&
Private Const CF_FORCEFONTEXIST = &H10000
Private Const CF_GDIOBJFIRST = &H300
Private Const CF_GDIOBJLAST = &H3FF
Private Const CF_HDROP = 15
Private Const CF_LIMITSIZE = &H2000&
Private Const CF_LOCALE = 16
Private Const CF_MAX = 17
Private Const CF_METAFILEPICT = 3
Private Const CF_NOFACESEL = &H80000
Private Const CF_NOSCRIPTSEL = &H800000
Private Const CF_NOSIMULATIONS = &H1000&
Private Const CF_NOSIZESEL = &H200000
Private Const CF_NOSTYLESEL = &H100000
Private Const CF_NOVECTORFONTS = &H800&
Private Const CF_NOVERTFONTS = &H1000000
Private Const CF_OEMTEXT = 7
Private Const CF_OWNERDISPLAY = &H80
Private Const CF_PALETTE = 9
Private Const CF_PENDATA = 10
Private Const CF_PRINTERFONTS = &H2
Private Const CF_PRIVATEFIRST = &H200
Private Const CF_PRIVATELAST = &H2FF
Private Const CF_RIFF = 11
Private Const CF_SCALABLEONLY = &H20000
Private Const CF_SCREENFONTS = &H1
Private Const CF_SELECTSCRIPT = &H400000
Private Const CF_SHOWHELP = &H4&
Private Const CF_SYLK = 4
Private Const CF_TIFF = 6
Private Const CF_TTONLY = &H40000
Private Const CF_UNICODETEXT = 13
Private Const CF_USESTYLE = &H80&
Private Const CF_WAVE = 12
Private Const CF_WYSIWYG = &H8000
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags&, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString1 As Any, ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetClipboardData Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Public Function ClipBoard_SetText(strCopyString As String) As Boolean
Dim hGlobalMemory As Long
Dim lpGlobalMemory As Long
Dim hClipMemory As Long
' Allocate moveable global memory.
hGlobalMemory = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Len(strCopyString) + 1)
' Lock the block to get a far pointer
' to this memory.
lpGlobalMemory = GlobalLock(hGlobalMemory)
' Copy the string to this global memory.
lpGlobalMemory = lstrcpy(lpGlobalMemory, strCopyString)
' Unlock the memory and then copy to the clipboard
If GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMemory) = 0 Then
If OpenClipboard(0&) <> 0 Then
Call EmptyClipboard
hClipMemory = SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobalMemory)
ClipBoard_SetText = CBool(CloseClipboard)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function ClipBoard_GetText() As String
Dim hClipMemory As Long
Dim lpClipMemory As Long
Dim strCBText As String
Dim RetVal As Long
Dim lngSize As Long
If OpenClipboard(0&) <> 0 Then
' Obtain the handle to the global memory
' block that is referencing the text.
hClipMemory = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)
If hClipMemory <> 0 Then
' Lock Clipboard memory so we can reference
' the actual data string.
lpClipMemory = GlobalLock(hClipMemory)
If lpClipMemory <> 0 Then
lngSize = GlobalSize(lpClipMemory)
strCBText = Space$(lngSize)
RetVal = lstrcpy(strCBText, lpClipMemory)
RetVal = GlobalUnlock(hClipMemory)
' Peel off the null terminating character.
strCBText = Left(strCBText, InStr(1, strCBText, Chr$(0), 0) - 1)
MsgBox "Could not lock memory to copy string from."
End If
End If
Call CloseClipboard
End If
ClipBoard_GetText = strCBText
End Function
Function CopyOlePiccy(Piccy As Object)
Dim hGlobalMemory As Long, lpGlobalMemory As Long
Dim hClipMemory As Long, X As Long
' Allocate moveable global memory.
hGlobalMemory = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Len(Piccy) + 1)
' Lock the block to get a far pointer
' to this memory.
lpGlobalMemory = GlobalLock(hGlobalMemory)
'Need to copy the object to the memory here
lpGlobalMemory = lstrcpy(lpGlobalMemory, Piccy)
' Unlock the memory.
If GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMemory) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not unlock memory location. Copy aborted."
GoTo OutOfHere2
End If
' Open the Clipboard to copy data to.
If OpenClipboard(0&) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not open the Clipboard. Copy aborted."
Exit Function
End If
' Clear the Clipboard.
X = EmptyClipboard()
' Copy the data to the Clipboard.
hClipMemory = SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobalMemory)
If CloseClipboard() = 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not close Clipboard."
End If
End Function
'********* Code End ************
R - Monte Carlo simulation for Credit Risk (PD) Stress Testing Scenarios
# Stress Test Forecasting Model
# Monte Carlo Simulations
# Inputs:
# 1. Base portfolio, customers list with baseline probability of default.
# 2. Transition probability matrices, 1 per year, per scenario.
# Output:
# 1. Forecasted list of obligors defaulted per year/scenario... with an
# expected default frequency.
#### 1. Data import
# 1. Set default working path
setwd('S:/TMP Directory')
# 2. Import all obligors
# Columns required: Customer Id, Base Probability of Default
obl = read.csv('01 - Customers with PD.csv',header=T)
# 3. ORs
# We might move this out into an external file later on.
ORs = c(0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0004, 0.0005, 0.0006, 0.0007, 0.0008, 0.0012, 0.30, 1)
# 4. TPMs
# Use the same oTPM for the three years for base case.
# Use a different TPM for each year when calculating other scenarios such as Stress1 and Stress2.
oTPM1 = read.csv( '02.01 - TPM USA Stress 2 2010.csv', header = T )
oTPM2 = read.csv( '02.02 - TPM USA Stress 2 2011.csv', header = T )
oTPM3 = read.csv( '02.03 - TPM USA Stress 2 2012.csv', header = T )
#### 2. declarations and initializations
# 2.1. Define the Outupt Data Structure
output = data.frame( run=0, yr=0, rowid=0, customerId='a', basePD=0 )
# 2.2. Number of montecarlo simulations
numsims = 50
# 2.3. Number of years.
# Keep in mind that you will need to have loaded and to apply a different TPM
# for each of the years.
numyrs = 3
#### 3. Run the simulations
print( '3. Simulation...' )
# For each simulation
for( run in 1:numsims ){
# For each year
for( yr in 1:numyrs ){
# Apply the first TPM matrix to the first year
if ( yr == 1 ) {
strt = as.vector( obl$basePD )
tmp = strt
oTPM_local = oTPM1
} #yr1
# Apply the second TPM matrix to the second year
if( yr == 2 ) {
strt = tmp
oTPM_local = oTPM2
} #yr2
# Apply the third TPM to the third year
if( yr == 3 ) {
strt = tmp
oTPM_local = oTPM3
} #yr3
# Random number genarator draws
unif_draws = runif( length( tmp ) )
for( i in 1:length( ORs ) ){
breaks = oTPM_local[ oTPM_local$startPD == ORs[i] & oTPM_local$Prob != 0, 'LowerBound' ]
ORLevels = oTPM_local[ oTPM_local$startPD == ORs[i] & oTPM_local$Prob != 0, 'UpperBound' ]
#Just to be safe, let's sort them
breaks = breaks[ order( ORLevels ) ]
ORLevels = ORLevels[ order( ORLevels ) ]
tmp[ strt == ORs[i] ] = as.numeric( as.character( cut( x = unif_draws[strt == ORs[i]], c(breaks,1), ORLevels ) ) )
} #draw
# Only output if this transition to ORD (if it defaulted)
if( sum( strt != 1 & tmp == 1 ) > 0 ){
output = rbind( output, data.frame( run=run, yr=yr,
rowid=obl[strt!=1 & tmp==1,'rowid'],
customerId=obl[strt!=1 & tmp==1,'customerId'],
basePD=obl[strt!=1 & tmp==1,'basePD']) )
} #if defaulted
} #each year
} #each run/sim
#### 4. Output
print( '4. About to output... ' )
output = output[ 2 : nrow(output) , ]
table( output[ , c( 'run', 'yr' ) ] )
write.csv( output,'Defaulters.csv' )
# Stress Test Forecasting Model
# Monte Carlo Simulations
# Inputs:
# 1. Base portfolio, customers list with baseline probability of default.
# 2. Transition probability matrices, 1 per year, per scenario.
# Output:
# 1. Forecasted list of obligors defaulted per year/scenario... with an
# expected default frequency.
#### 1. Data import
# 1. Set default working path
setwd('S:/TMP Directory')
# 2. Import all obligors
# Columns required: Customer Id, Base Probability of Default
obl = read.csv('01 - Customers with PD.csv',header=T)
# 3. ORs
# We might move this out into an external file later on.
ORs = c(0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0004, 0.0005, 0.0006, 0.0007, 0.0008, 0.0012, 0.30, 1)
# 4. TPMs
# Use the same oTPM for the three years for base case.
# Use a different TPM for each year when calculating other scenarios such as Stress1 and Stress2.
oTPM1 = read.csv( '02.01 - TPM USA Stress 2 2010.csv', header = T )
oTPM2 = read.csv( '02.02 - TPM USA Stress 2 2011.csv', header = T )
oTPM3 = read.csv( '02.03 - TPM USA Stress 2 2012.csv', header = T )
#### 2. declarations and initializations
# 2.1. Define the Outupt Data Structure
output = data.frame( run=0, yr=0, rowid=0, customerId='a', basePD=0 )
# 2.2. Number of montecarlo simulations
numsims = 50
# 2.3. Number of years.
# Keep in mind that you will need to have loaded and to apply a different TPM
# for each of the years.
numyrs = 3
#### 3. Run the simulations
print( '3. Simulation...' )
# For each simulation
for( run in 1:numsims ){
# For each year
for( yr in 1:numyrs ){
# Apply the first TPM matrix to the first year
if ( yr == 1 ) {
strt = as.vector( obl$basePD )
tmp = strt
oTPM_local = oTPM1
} #yr1
# Apply the second TPM matrix to the second year
if( yr == 2 ) {
strt = tmp
oTPM_local = oTPM2
} #yr2
# Apply the third TPM to the third year
if( yr == 3 ) {
strt = tmp
oTPM_local = oTPM3
} #yr3
# Random number genarator draws
unif_draws = runif( length( tmp ) )
for( i in 1:length( ORs ) ){
breaks = oTPM_local[ oTPM_local$startPD == ORs[i] & oTPM_local$Prob != 0, 'LowerBound' ]
ORLevels = oTPM_local[ oTPM_local$startPD == ORs[i] & oTPM_local$Prob != 0, 'UpperBound' ]
#Just to be safe, let's sort them
breaks = breaks[ order( ORLevels ) ]
ORLevels = ORLevels[ order( ORLevels ) ]
tmp[ strt == ORs[i] ] = as.numeric( as.character( cut( x = unif_draws[strt == ORs[i]], c(breaks,1), ORLevels ) ) )
} #draw
# Only output if this transition to ORD (if it defaulted)
if( sum( strt != 1 & tmp == 1 ) > 0 ){
output = rbind( output, data.frame( run=run, yr=yr,
rowid=obl[strt!=1 & tmp==1,'rowid'],
customerId=obl[strt!=1 & tmp==1,'customerId'],
basePD=obl[strt!=1 & tmp==1,'basePD']) )
} #if defaulted
} #each year
} #each run/sim
#### 4. Output
print( '4. About to output... ' )
output = output[ 2 : nrow(output) , ]
table( output[ , c( 'run', 'yr' ) ] )
write.csv( output,'Defaulters.csv' )
EXCEL/VBA - Data connection query modification and refresh
strSQL = _
"select " & _
"'N/A' as UnionSource " & _
", 'ALL|' + Product + '|' + cast(OriginationYear as varchar(4)) as
BusinessProductKey " & _
", 'ALL' as Business " & _
", Product " & _
strSQL = strSQL & _
"from " & _
"DATABASE.dbo.VIEW_OR_TABLE_NAME with(nolock) " & _
"where " & _
"1=1 " & _
"and Product is not null " & _
"and OriginationYear >= " & prmOriginationYearSince
& " " & _
"group by " & _
"Product " & _
", OriginationYear " & _
"order by " & _
"1,2 " & _
Debug.Print strSQL
.BackgroundQuery = False
.CommandText = strSQL
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.SavePassword = False
.SourceConnectionFile = ""
.SourceDataFile = ""
.ServerCredentialsMethod = xlCredentialsMethodIntegrated
.AlwaysUseConnectionFile = False
End With
ActiveWorkbook.Connections("DATA_CONNECTION_NAME ").Refresh
EXCEL/VBA - Calling Moody's RiskCalc WebService (example)
Option Explicit
' Global variables
Dim strXMLResponse As String
' Call Examples
' getRiskCalcUS31()
' Debug.Print
' Debug.Print
getRiskCalcUS31(displayRequest:=true, displayResponse:=true)
' Debug.Print getRiskCalcUS31()
Function getRiskCalcUS31( _
Optional usr As String _
, Optional pwd As String _
, Optional verbosity As Integer _
, Optional displayRequest As Boolean _
, Optional displayResponse As Boolean _
) As String
' Declare
Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHttp
Dim reqData As String
Dim resData As String
' Parameter
If IsMissing(usr) Or usr = "" Then usr =
If IsMissing(pwd) Or pwd = "" Then pwd =
IsMissing(displayRequest) Then displayRequest = False
If IsMissing(verbosity) Or verbosity = 0 Then verbosity = 8
' Request setup
reqData = _
"" & _
"" & _
"" & _
"" & usr & " "
& _
"" & pwd &
" " & _
" & _
reqData = reqData & _
"" & _
"" & _
"8 " & _
"00123456 " & _
"1 "
& _
"00000220|201304 "
& _
"2013 " & _
"4 " & _
"2012 " &
"12 " &
"Off "
& _
reqData = reqData & _
"607646 "
& _
"1024152 "
& _
"156058 "
& _
"1474881 "
& _
"1423347 "
& _
"2063489 " & _
"1973636 "
& _
"179049 "
& _
"173073 "
& _
"31064 " & _
"17935 "
& _
"42691 " &
"41727 "
& _
"180246 "
& _
"178112 "
& _
"174989 " & _
"48668 "
& _
"144896 "
& _
"337302 "
& _
" "
& _
"SIC "
& _
"8062 "
& _
" & _
reqData = reqData & _
" & _
' Display the request?
If displayRequest = True Then
Debug.Print "REQUEST: "
Debug.Print reqData
End If
' Open
req.Open _
"POST" _
"" _
, False _
usr _
' Send
req.send reqData
' Display the response?
If displayResponse = True Then
Debug.Print "RESPONSE: " '& Chr(10)
Debug.Print req.responseText
End If
' Get 1yr EDF
' Return
strXMLResponse = req.responseText
getRiskCalcUS31 = req.responseText
End Function
' x. getRiskCalcOutputElement
'In Tools > References, add reference to
"Microsoft XML, vX.X" before running.
Public Function getRiskCalcOutputElement()
' Testing
Dim strXML As String
= getRiskCalcXMLOutputSample()
'strXML = strXMLResponse
' Get the section of the
XML that we need
Dim strXMLSection As String
Dim strXMLStartText As String: strXMLStartText =
"" '""
Dim strXMLEndText As String: strXMLEndText =
" '""
Dim strXMLStart As Integer: strXMLStart = InStr(1, strXML,
strXMLStartText, vbTextCompare)
strXMLSection = _
Mid( _
strXML _
, strXMLStart _
, InStr(strXMLStart, strXML, strXMLEndText, vbTextCompare) _
- strXMLStart _
+ Len(strXMLEndText) _
' XML Doc
Dim XDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
XDoc.LoadXML (strXMLSection)
' Response
Dim rs As Object
Dim r As Object
' Each node
For Each n In
Set r.Type =
Set r.Value =
rs.Add (r)
n.Attributes.getNamedItem("TYPE").Text & ":" &
Next n
' Clean
Set n = Nothing
Set XDoc = Nothing
' Return
getRiskCalcOutputElement = rs
End Sub
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