cd ~/Documents/mirrored_repository_name_here.git
# Display the biggest files, which might help figure out what to remove
git ls-tree -r -t -l --full-name HEAD | sort -n -k 4 | tail -n 10
# Get outside of the folder
cd ..
# Run BFG (in the desktop in this example) to delta files of a certain extension
java -jar ~/Desktop/bfg.jar --delete-files *.zip --no-blob-protection mirrored_repository_name_here.git
# Run BFG to delete folders
java -jar ~/Desktop/bfg.jar --delete-folders data --no-blob-protection mirrored_repository_name_here.git
# Remove those files
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
# Check on the size of the repository
git count-objects -v
# Push it
git push --force